Monday, August 31, 2015

Edina Speech Traveling Team

The traveling team is getting started and we want to make sure that you have all of the information. 

We will hold a PARENT and STUDENT meeting on  Wednesday, September 9th 6:30 PM at EHS Fick Auditorium.  There will be a cookie and coffee social by EFOF at 6:00PM.

It's important to have a parent and debater attend so that we can start the season on common understanding of expectations and the nuts-and-bolts of how you can help your student.

 Practice will start at staggered times.  Extemp, and Oratory practices can be found at the following link. 
Oratory and Extemp Practices

DI, HI, Duo, Info will begin the week of the September 21st.  Schedule confirmation will be posted by the end of the week.

Chipotle Fundraiser date has been set!  October 6th. 5-8

Friday, August 7, 2015

Donations for Edina Forensics

We have been given an amazing opportunity for Edina Forensics these past few years.  It began when debate made significant changes to move them forward competitively.  Now it is speech's turn! We have added six new coaches and workshops that will impact the entire team.  We now need to show our support.  The talk-a-thon is August 22nd, from 10AM - 9PM.  We are working to make our goal of 1/4 of a million words during the talk-a-thon.  We need people to speak during the event and volunteer during the day.  We also need everyone to promote the teams and collect donations to support the positive changes to the team. 

This is the link for online donations to Edina Forensics.  It may say Edina Debate, but we are working as one team and money will be shared amongst all participants. 

This is a link to a pledge sheet so that we can acquire pledges from friends and family around us.

You are the team's best advocates.  You know why speech and debate are important.  The talk-a-thon is a great way to allow others in the community see what we are about!

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Edina Talkathon at the Galleria

The Edina debate and speech teams are jointly hosting an 11-hour talk-a-thon.  By the end of the day our team members will have spoken a quarter million words.  The Galleria is providing a fabulous location and all of the facilities needed to make this event special.  The event begins at 10AM on Saturday, August 22nd and ends at 9PM.  All through the day mall visitors will be treated to speeches and debates put on by the Edina debate and speech teams.  

This is a fundraiser for the Edina Friends of Forensics as well.  You will be sent more information on how this works. 

What you need to do is participate! We need debaters and parents both to volunteer to make this event run properly.

Here is the list and times of students sign up to speak at the talkathon

Here is the sign up for volunteers on the day of the talkathon