Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Edina Speech and Debate Banquet

Please join us for the Banquet!

    2018 Spring Debate & Speech Team Banquet
Tuesday, April 24, 2018 from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM CDT
Add to Calendar

Braemar Golf Course
6364 John Harris Drive
Edina, MN 55439
Driving Directions
                  Hello Edina Speech & Debate families!

       Come join us to celebrate the Edina Speech & Debate           teams at our annual Spring Banquet on April 24th.
   Click on the links below to register & get more information.
       Register Now!

                  We look forward to seeing you in April!

                  Regrets only to
                  The Edina Debate & Speech teams 
                  & Edina Friends of Forensics

Sections RESULTS!

Saumya Mangalick - 1st in Prose
Tanner Jones - 2nd in Extemp Speaking
Theo Teske - 3rd in Extemp Speaking
Medha Kaul - 4th in Original Oratory
Mark Kivimaki - 6th in Extemp Speaking
Aditya Rewalliwar - 6th in Info

Finals Results

STATE is at Apple Valley High School on April 20th

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Rosebowl RESULTS

Sandra Chen 2nd in EXS Next in
Saumya Mangalick 2nd in DI Next in

Thursday, March 15, 2018

Tuesday, March 20th - SECTIONS

Bloomington Jefferson High School
4001 W 102nd St, Minneapolis, MN 55437

Entries by event (with codes if assigned)
Duo Interpretation (1 entries)
D23: Emma Farris and Chloe Maynor (Varsity)
Extemporaneous Speaking (7 entries)
D1: Tanner Jones (Varsity)
D2: Theodore Teske (Varsity)
D3: Lily Jones (Varsity)
D4: Ananth Veluvali (Varsity)
D5: Mark Kivimaki (Varsity)
D6: Sandra Chen (Varsity)
D7: Nathan Annareddy (Varsity)
Humorous Interpretation (2 entries)
D8: Yash Mangalick (Varsity)
D9: Alexandria Russell (Varsity)
Informative Speaking (3 entries)
D10: Aakash Narayan (Varsity)
D11: Anjali Aralikar (Varsity)
D12: Aditya Rewalliwar (Varsity)
Original Oratory (6 entries)
D13: Medha Kaul (Varsity)
D14: Mihika Sathe (Varsity)
D15: Alexander Al-Najim (Varsity)
D16: Isaac Smalley (Varsity)
D17: Julia Pan (Varsity)
D18: Mythili Iyer (Varsity)
Poetry Reading (1 entries)
D19: Leah Schmitt (Varsity)
Prose Reading (3 entries)
D20: Iris Baurceanu (Varsity)
D21: Anushka Thorat (Varsity)
D22: Saumya Mangalick (Varsity)

Entry Notes:
PR, HI, PO, Duo all need:
Printed copy of script, Original Source, Copied pages with highlighted texts, ** You will not get highlighted copy back!**

Printed copy with bibliography, and word count of quoted material. 
Students will be dismissed from school at 1:00 PM.
The bus will leave at 1:15 from the H.S. 

3:15 PMDraw Round 1
Prep: ER, ES, Story
3:45 PMRound One
Round 1: CX, DI, Disco, Duo, ER, ES, GS, HI, Info, OO, PO, Prose, Story
4:30 PMDraws Round 2
Prep: ER, ES, Story
5:00 PMRound Two
Round 2: CX, DI, Disco, Duo, ER, ES, GS, HI, Info, OO, PO, Prose, Story
5:45 PMDraw Round 3
Prep: ER, ES, Story
6:15 PMRound Three
Round 3: CX, DI, Disco, Duo, ER, ES, GS, HI, Info, OO, PO, Prose, Story
7:25 PMPrep
Prep: ER, ES, Story
7:45 PMNon-Draw Finals
Final round: CX, DI, Disco, Duo, GS, HI, Info, OO, PO, Prose
7:55 PMDraw Finals
Final round: ER, ES, Story
1:30-2:00         Registration
3:00                  Draw meeting in the media center
2:55                  Meeting for all non-draw students in cafeteria.
3:15                  Storytelling, Extemp. Reading, & Extemp. Speaking Draws in media center
3:15                  Timer Meeting
3:30                  Judges meeting in the judges’ lounge
3:45                   Round One
5:30-8:30           Food available in cafeteria
9: (approx.)      Awards in the Auditorium

9:45 (approx.) Home

Monday, March 12, 2018

Getting Ready for Quals

Getting Ready for Quals is HARD Work....
EXS were already prepping so we missed them.

March 12th - 20th

March 12th - Monday

Sam - 4:30-6:00 Room 312
Shelby - 4:30 - 7:30 Room 319
Hannah - 6:00 - 8:00 Room 317
Diane - 6:00 - 8:00 Room 313
Elizabeth - 6:00 - 7:00 Room 320
Extemp - 6:00 - 8:00 Room 315 and 316

March 15th - Thursday



Sam - 4:30-6:00 Room 120 Valley View
Shelby - 4:30 - 7:30 Room 120 Valley View
Hannah - 6:00 - 8:00 Room 135 Valley View
Diane - 6:00 - 8:00 Room 135 Valley View
Elizabeth - 5:00 - 8:00 Room 135 Valley View
Extemp - 6:00 - 8:00 Room 236 Valley View

March 17th - Saturday

March 19th - Monday

Sam - 4:30-6:00 Room 312
Shelby - 4:30 - 7:30 Room 319
Hannah - 6:00 - 8:00 Room 317
Diane - 6:00 - 8:00 Room 313
Elizabeth - 6:00 - 8:00 Room 320
Extemp - 6:00 - 8:00 Room 315 and 316

March 20th - Tuesday

Roseville - March 17th

Roseville is an added tournament intended for those going to the section tournament the following week. 

Roseville High School
1240 County Road B2 W, Roseville, MN 55113

We will be hosting all 13 MSHSL categories and both MSHSL and NSDA rules will be honored.  We have opted to NOT offer Program Oral Interpretation (POI) since it is not a MSHSL category and the National Qualifying Tournament will already be done by March 18.
We will allow double entering (including discussion and a non-draw event, but not in discussion and a draw event nor two draw events).  
We will offer 3 preliminary rounds of competition, Honor Finals & Finals in all categories (all students will compete in one division).  I am excited to report that the Rosebowl is a National Individual Events Tournament of Champions (NIETOC) bid tournament! For many of you, this will be one last chance to earn enough bids to qualify for NIETOC! Due to this, we may offer more final rounds in Humor, Duo, Drama and Oratory, depending on registration size. If more final rounds are offered, they will take place at the same time as the other final rounds and will not add to the length of the tournament.
We will offer awards to all finalists. We will also offer 5 team sweepstakes trophies in the Large school division, and a trophy for Small School Champion.  

Extemp Speaking:  There will be separate topic areas for each round. Topics will be posted in the draw area. 
Laptops are allowed in our Extemp Speaking prep/draw area. Students will not be allowed to connect to the internet but may have files stored on laptops, external hard drives and USB drives. We cannot guarantee access to electric outlets, so plan to run on battery power. Any computer malfunction is the competitor's responsibility and prep will not be extended for computer problems.

Entries by event (with codes if assigned)
Dramatic Interpretation (3 entries)
1: Anushka Thorat (Varsity)
18: Iris Baurceanu (Varsity)
2: Saumya Mangalick (Varsity)
Duo Interpretation (2 entries)
3: Emma Farris and Chloe Maynor (Varsity)
4: Lucie Lu and Aditya Rewalliwar (Varsity)
Extemporaneous Speaking (12 entries)
10: Ananth Veluvali (Varsity)
11: Mark Kivimaki (Varsity)
12: Sandra Chen (Varsity)
13: Yash Mangalick (Varsity)
14: Yash Shah (Varsity)
15: Nihar Atri (Varsity)
16: Stella Oken-Hunt (Varsity)
17: Claire Anderson McElligot (Varsity)
6: Tanner Jones (Varsity)
7: Theodore Teske (Varsity)
8: Lily Jones (Varsity)
9: Nathan Annareddy (Varsity)
Great Speeches (2 entries)
19: Elesh Dasani (Varsity)
5: Jacob Olinger (Varsity)
Humorous Interpretation (2 entries)
22: Alexandria Russell (Varsity)
23: Yash Mangalick (Varsity)
Informative Speaking (4 entries)
24: Anjali Aralikar (Varsity)
25: Aakash Narayan (Varsity)
3: Emma Farris (Varsity)
4: Aditya Rewalliwar (Varsity)
Original Oratory (6 entries)
26: Medha Kaul (Varsity)
27: Mihika Sathe (Varsity)
28: Alexander Al-Najim (Varsity)
29: Isaac Smalley (Varsity)
31: Mythili Iyer (Varsity)
32: Julia Pan (Varsity)
Poetry (1 entries)
30: Leah Schmitt (Varsity)
Judges (6 total)
1: Amanda Luke (ALL Events)
2: Kyle Olson (ALL Events)
3: Shelby Wilds (ALL Events)
4: Elizabeth Werness (ALL Events)
5: No name specified (NO JUDGE TYPE SELECTED)
6: No name specified (NO JUDGE TYPE SELECTED)

Mar. 17, 2018
8:30 AMDraws for Round 1
Prep: ER, ES, STY
8:45 AMRound 1 Discussion
Round 1: DIS
9:00 AMRound 1
Round 1: CrX, DI, DUO, ER, ES, GrSp, HI, INF, OO, PO, PRO, STY
10:15 AMDraws for Round 2
Prep: ER, ES, STY
10:30 AMRound 2 Discussion
Round 2: DIS
10:45 AMRound 2
Round 2: CrX, DI, DUO, ER, ES, GrSp, HI, INF, OO, PO, PRO, STY
11:45 AMDraws for Round 3
Prep: ER, ES, STY
12:00 PMRound 3 Discussion
Round 3: DIS
12:15 PMRound 3
Round 3: CrX, DI, DUO, ER, ES, GrSp, HI, INF, OO, PO, PRO, STY
1:45 PMDraw Categories Prep Time and Discussion Final Round
Final round: DIS
Prep: ER, ES, STY
2:00 PMFinals and Honor Finals
Final round: CrX, DI, DUO, GrSp, HI, INF, OO, PO, PRO
2:15 PMDraw Categories Final Round
Final round: ER, ES, STY
AWARDS @ 4:00 
HOME @ 5:30


Southren District National Qualifier Results

Tanner Jones - CHAMPION in International Extemp Speaking
Theo Teske - 3rd in International Extemp Speaking
Sandra Chen - Semifinalist International Extemp Speaking

Tanner Jones - CHAMPION in Domestic Extemp Speaking
Theo Teske - 2nd in Domestic Extemp Speaking
Mark Kivimaki - 6th in Domestic Extemp Speaking
Lily Jones - Semifinalist in Domestic Extemp Speaking

Medha Kaul - 5th in Original Oratory

Aditya Rewalliwar - Semifinalist in Info

Tanner Jones advancing to the National Tournament in Domestic Extemp
Theo Teske advancing to the National Tournament in International Extemp
Mark Kivimaki advancing to the National Tournament in Domestic Extemp


Saumya Mangalick - 4th in Nextin of DI
Ananth Veluvali - 4th in Nextin of EXS
Ike Smalley - 7th in NExtin of OO

Thursday, March 8, 2018

Lakeville North - Results


Tanner Jones - Champion DX
Sandra Chen - 4th Impomptu
Theo Teske - 6th Impromptu

March 10th - EAGAN

4185 Braddock Trail, Eagan, MN 55123

EVENTS: All MSHSL events will be offered. NSDA Events (HI, DI, OO, Duo, Extemp Speaking, and POI) will be run according to NSDA rules: all other events will be run according to MSHSL rules.
NIETOC: Eagan serves as a NIETOC bid tournament in the following events: humor, duo, drama, oratory. Therefore, students hoping to qualify for NIETOC in drama should enter prose pieces in drama.
FORMAT: Three preliminary rounds in all events. Finals and Next-In finals will include six or seven competitors each
CRITIQUE SHEETS: Judges will be given critique sheets at ballot pickup. JUDGES SHOULD NOT RETURN CRITIQUE SHEETS TO THE STUDENTS.  All critiques should be returned with the ballots to the ballot drop.

STUDENT AREA: The EHS Cafeteria is the home base for students during the day. Concessions will be available in the Eagan commons area.

ROOMS: Please leave all rooms arranged in the order that you find them.  Also, because of the open school concept, please be aware of the need to be quiet in the halls.

POSTINGS: This will take place in the EHS Commons, in the hallway outside the main office and outside the DMHS library. We will be running both a Final round (1-7) and a Next-In Final (8-14).

AWARDS: Awards will be in the EHS gymnasium as soon as possible. The NSDA district tournaments awards will commence immediately after.

Dramatic Interpretation (4 entries)
101: Akshana Jose (Varsity)
102: Iris Baurceanu (Varsity)
103: Saumya Mangalick (Varsity)
104: Anushka Thorat (Varsity)
Duo Interpretation (3 entries)
101: Emma Farris and Chloe Maynor (Varsity)
102: Iris Baurceanu and Jacob Olinger (Varsity)
103: Lucie Lu and Aditya Rewalliwar (Varsity)
Extemporaneous Reading (1 entries)
101: Alexandria Russell (Varsity)
Extemporaneous Speaking (14 entries)
101: Tanner Jones (Varsity)
102: Theodore Teske (Varsity)
103: Sandra Chen (Varsity)
104: Mark Kivimaki (Varsity)
105: Lily Jones (Varsity)
106: Nathan Annareddy (Varsity)
107: Ananth Veluvali (Varsity)
108: Ziyan Ishani (Varsity)
109: Yash Mangalick (Varsity)
110: Yash Shah (Varsity)
111: Nihar Atri (Varsity)
112: Alec Chen (Varsity)
113: Claire Anderson McElligot (Varsity)
114: Stella Oken-Hunt (Varsity)
Great Speeches (2 entries)
101: Elesh Dasani (Varsity)
102: Jacob Olinger (Varsity)
Humorous Interpretation (3 entries)
101: Samantha Bevers (Varsity)
102: Yash Mangalick (Varsity)
103: Alexandria Russell (Varsity)
Informative Speaking (5 entries)
101: Emma Farris (Varsity)
102: Aditya Rewalliwar (Varsity)
103: Margaret Harens (Varsity)
105: Ayah Suliman (Varsity)
107: Anjali Aralikar (Varsity)
Original Oratory (6 entries)
101: Alexander Al-Najim (Varsity)
102: Medha Kaul (Varsity)
103: Isaac Smalley (Varsity)
104: Biren Katyal (Varsity)
106: Mythili Iyer (Varsity)
107: Mihika Sathe (Varsity)
Poetry Reading (2 entries)
101: Leah Schmitt (Varsity)
102: Anushka Thorat (Varsity)
Prose Reading (1 entries)
104: Fiona Pressley (Varsity)
Judges (8 total)
1: Pete Gokey (All Events)
2: Ashley Stoering (All Events)
3: Kyle Olson (All Events)
4: Amanda Luke (All Events)
5: Sam Hammerich (All Events)
6: Shelby Wilds (All Events)
7: Lidija Namike (All Events)
8: Lataya Williams (All Events)

9:00 AMRound 1
Round 1: CrX, DI, DUO, ER, ES, GrSp, HI, INF, OO, POE, POI, PRO, STY
9:15 AMRound 1 (Disco)
Round 1: DIS
10:30 AMRound 2
Round 2: CrX, DI, DUO, ER, ES, GrSp, HI, INF, OO, POE, POI, PRO, STY
10:45 AMRound 2 (Disco)
Round 2: DIS
12:00 PMRound 3
Round 3: CrX, DI, DUO, ER, ES, GrSp, HI, INF, OO, POE, POI, PRO, STY
12:15 PMRound 3 (Disco)
Round 3: DIS
1:45 PMFinals
Final round: CrX, DI, DIS, DUO, ER, ES, GrSp, HI, INF, OO, POE, POI, PRO, STY
2:15 PM2:00

Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Thursday, March 8th

Mock Meet and Scheduled Practice will happen this day.  I will bring snacks to get us through. 

ALL PAPERWORK and LUNCH FUNDS must be turned into me before you leave on Thursday. 

Bus Leaves at 6:45 AM on Friday morning!!!

Thursday, March 1, 2018

March 1-10th

Thursday, March 1st


Sam - 4:30-6:00 Room 312
Shelby - 4:30 - 7:30 Room 319
Hannah - 6:00 - 8:00 Room 317
Diane - 6:00 - 8:00 Room 313
Elizabeth - 5:00 - 8:00 Room 320
Extemp - 6:00 - 8:00 Room 315 and 316

Saturday, March 3rd

Monday, March 5th
For those competing at Nat Quals. (schedule posted on Friday)
No Practice for others unless prearranged by coach.  Please confirm.

Thursday, March 8th


Sam - 4:30-6:00 Room 312
Shelby - 4:30 - 7:30 Room 319
Hannah - 6:00 - 8:00 Room 317
Diane - 6:00 - 8:00 Room 313
Elizabeth - 5:00 - 8:00 Room 320
Extemp - 6:00 - 8:00 Room 315 and 316

Friday, March 9th 
NAT QUALS Leave EHS @7:00 AM

Saturday, March 10th